

Imbolc 2016: Hail Brigid!

May Brigid Light the Love in my Soul

On this Imbolc day, as I kindle the flame upon my hearth,
I pray that the flame of Brigid may burn in my soul,
and the souls of all I meet today.

I pray that no envy and malice,
no hatred or fear, may smother the flame.
I pray that indifference and apathy,
contempt and pride,
may not pour like cold water on the flame.

Instead, may the spark of Brigid light the love in my soul,
that it may burn brightly through this season.
And may I warm those that are lonely,
whose hearts are cold and lifeless,
so that all may know the comfort of Brigid's love.

                For  many pagans and Wiccans, February 2 marks the important holiday, Imbolc, and their attention may be focused somewhere other than the television screen. 

Imbolc/Oimelc/Brigid`s Day, on February 2 and the preceding eve. associated with fertility, are celebrated as a fire festival midpoint between the winter solstice and spring equinox later in the week. Celts often choose the full moon nearest the midpoint.

Ref. In the Northern Hemisphere:
Imbolc Eve -

Imbolc is one of four major pagan sabbats, or holidays.

1. Imbolc is one of four major pagan sabbats, or holidays, along with Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain. In between these sabbats, pagans celebrate the seasonal solstices and equinoxes.
2. Imbolc is pronounced "IM-bulk" or "EM-bowlk."

Imbolc falls on the midway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.

3. Imbolc falls on the midway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Although it is attributed to the ancient Celts, ancient Egyptians, Babylonians and indigenous groups are also believed to have celebrated an equivalent holiday.
4. Nowadays Imbolc may be related to Candlemas and Groundhog Day, and indeed there is evidence from early Irish lore surrounding weather divination this time of year.

Imbolc honors the Celtic goddess, Brigid.

5. Also called Brigid's Day, Imbolc honors the Celtic goddess of fire, fertility, midwifery and the young. Many Pagans will pay tribute to Brigid by arranging an altar and 'invoking' the goddess through prayer.
6. The term 'Imbolc' derives from Old Irish and means "in the belly," or alternately "ewe's milk." The interpretation lends significance to the holiday as a celebration of fertility, reproduction and the young -- all overseen by the goddess Brigid.

Seed and bud imagery may be used in Imbolc rituals.

7. Imbolc observes the waning of winter and approach of spring. Pagans often use fire and other forms of light to encourage the lengthening of day. Seed and bud imagery may be used, as well, to promote the growth of new life ensured by springtime.
8. As with many pagan holidays, food and music are essential. Dishes for Imbolc tend to incorporate seeds, dairy and other spring-evoking foods.

Celebrants often prepare talismans to use during Imbolc ceremonies, including the Brigid's Cross.

9. Celebrants often prepare talismans to use during Imbolc ceremonies and then keep in their homes. These include a Brideog -- a small straw doll dressed in white cloth -- and a Brigid's Cross, also often woven from straw.
10. Imbolc is a time for spring cleaning. Some clean their homes, take ritual baths and de-clutter their lives in other ways. This is believed to create space for the goddess to come into people's live and for new seeds to take root in the coming spring.

Prayers, Hymns & Chants to Goddess Brigid

Hail, Brigantia! Keeper of the forge,
she who shapes the world itself with fire,

she who ignites the spark of passion in the poets,

she who leads the clans with a warrior's cry,

she who is the bride of the islands,

and who leads the fight of freedom.

Hail, Brigantia! Defender of kin and hearth,

she who inspires the bards to sing,

she who drives the smith to raise his hammer,

she who is a fire sweeping across the land.

The winter is coming to an end
The stores of food are dwindling,

And yet we eat, and stay warm

In the chilled winter months.

We are grateful for our good fortune,

And for the food before us.
This is the season of Brighid,

She who protects our hearth and home.

We honor her and thank her,

for keeping us warm as we eat this meal.

Great Lady, bless us and this food,

and protect us in your name.
Bride of the earth,
sister of the faeries,

daughter of the Tuatha de Danaan,

keeper of the eternal flame.

In autumn, the nights began to lengthen,

and the days grew shorter,

as the earth went to sleep.

Now, Brighid stokes her fire,

burning flames in the hearth,

bringing light back to us once more.

Winter is brief, but life is forever.

Brighid makes it so.

Mighty Brighid, keeper of the flame,
blazing in the darkness of winter.
O goddess, we honor you, bringer of light,
healer, exalted one.
Bless us now, hearth Mother,
that we may be as fruitful as the soil itself,
and our lives abundant and fertile.


I Wish You All Blessings of Love & Light this Imbolc.
May Goddess Brigid Light the Flame within Your Soul.

~ Jai Krishna Ponnappan


What exactly is Imbolc, and how is it observed? 

Imbolc was a Celtic festival honoring the earliest stirrings of life. Girls brought little dolls made of straw or oats portraying Brigid from home to house to bless them, and bonfires were lighted in her honor. Offerings were sometimes hung to trees near little springs known as clootie wells.

What is the significance of Imbolc? 

Imbolc represents the midpoint between the winter solstice (Yule) and the spring equinox (Spring Equinox) (Ostara). Because the seeds of spring are starting to stir in Mother Earth's womb, the term "imbolc" means "in the belly of the Mother."

What takes place on Imbolc? 

Celebrants made an effigy of Brigid out of grains and rushes in preparation for a visit by the goddess into their houses. The effigy was dressed and placed in a basket overnight. Imbolc was commemorated by blazing bonfires and lighting lights in honor of Brigid.

Is Imbolc a festival of fire? 

Brigid is connected with fire in many forms, including the fire of creation, the protective hearth fire, and her fire wheel, the Brigid Cross, which proclaims her as a Sun Goddess. The Cross of Brigid.

What are things to do during Imbolc? 

Imbolc is a time for bringing fresh ideas and initiatives into the light, for expanding what we've been thinking about over the winter.

Brigid, the Celtic Goddess.

Make a Brigid (Brideog) straw doll...

Create a Brigid cross.

Feasts and flames, oh my!

Cleaning your house in the springtime is a good idea...

Pay a visit to a stream, a river, or a well.

What is the name of the goddess Brigid? 

Brigit or Brg (/brdd, brid/ BRIJ-id, BREE-id, Irish: [bjjjdj, bjjidj]; meaning 'exalted one' from Old Irish) is a goddess of pre-Christian Ireland. She is a member of the Tuatha Dé Danann in Irish mythology, the daughter of the Dagda and wife of Bres, with whom she bore a son called Ruadán.

What do you say to greet on Imbolc? 

Peace for all time... Send a happy wish to your family, friends, and loved ones.

Imbolc blessings! 

ecstatic joy.

Happiness and goodness.

I wish you a happy Imbolc.

Blessings on Imbolc.

Blessings of Imbolc to You.

Happy Brigid's Day / Imbolc!

Is Brigid a goddess or a saint? 

Brigit, also known as Brigantia (Celtic: High One), is essentially a Celtic goddess of the poetic arts, crafts, prophesy, and divination. She was the Roman goddess Minerva's counterpart (Greek Athena).