Bahya Pranayama - Exterior Pranayama


Method: Sit in Sukhasan and make the dnyanamudra with your fingertips and place them on the hands and legs, palms facing upwards

Close your eyes for a moment.

Inhale deeply, hold the air for a few seconds, and then exhale forcefully, as if you're trying to clear your lungs quickly. (A screeching sound can be heard at the end of your exhalation.)

Implement the following three blocks until you've fully exhaled. -

Pull up your anal muscles as if you're struggling to keep your bowels in.

Pull back your stomach as if you were going to touch your stomach to your spine.

Perform the ‘Jalandharbandh' (press your chin against your throat and look down).

Remove all three blocks listed above and steadily inhale to your full potential after a few seconds of not inhaling.

Caution: This Pranayama should not be done for those who have heart attacks.

-People with Cervical disorders and Spondilitis should abstain from participating in the Jalandharbandh (3 rd block)

Duration: There is no set time limit for this Pranayama, but it can only be done 3-4 times.

It has the following properties/Uses

-It protects your stomach.

-It improves the nervous system.

-It is very beneficial in the treatment of hernias.

- It keeps the thyroid in good shape.

-It improves the health of the lungs.

-Its most useful use is to improve the effects of Kapaalbhati Pranayama.