Bhramari Pranayama - Hornet Pranayama


Method:  Take a seat in Sukhasan.

Close your eyes for a moment.

Then, with your thumbs, close your ears, put your index fingers on your forehead, and the remaining three fingers on your eyes, gently pressing the ridge between your eyes.

Inhale deeply and hold your breath for a few seconds.

Then slowly exhale while making the ‘Aum' sound with your mouth closed (Om Chant).

(The name comes from the sound this move makes, which is identical to the buzzing of hornet wings.)

There is no set time limit. It can be done at least two to three times.

Uses: -This Pranayama is critical for improving the protection of your throat and thyroid glands.

-It heals any speech hoarseness affected by sickness.

-Practicing this Pranayama on a regular basis improves your concentration while also calming your mind.

-When you do this Pranayama on a daily basis, you will experience a calming sense of harmony and calmness.