Categories of Spiritual Healing

Healing is divided into several categories:

  • 1. Diseases of the body are cured. 
  • 2. Recovery from mental illnesses such as fear, rage, bad habits, failure consciousness, lack of initiative and confidence, and so on. 
  • 3. Healing of spiritual ailments such as ignorance, apathy, aimlessness, intellectual pride and dogmatism, theoretical metaphysics, skepticism, and satisfaction with the material way of living, ignorance of life's rules and his own divinity, and so on. 

It is critical that equal attention be placed on the prevention and treatment of all three types of diseases. Each produces physiological, mental, or spiritual anguish in man, which must be alleviated by whatever means of treatment available. 

Because bodily diseases are so tangible and obvious, most people's attention is focused solely on their cure. They don't comprehend that their mental and spiritual problems, such as dread, despair, grief, worry, violent wrath, lack of self-control, and spiritual anguish caused by ignorance of the key to the wonder and purpose of human existence, are far more essential and dominating, and that all physical disorders are the result of mental and spiritual discord. 

All human physiological and material pain is caused by ignorance of mental hygiene norms and the spiritual art of life. 

No material sickness or need can follow if the mind is free of mental germs such as wrath, anxiety, fear, and so on, and the Soul is free of ignorance. We don't want disease in our bodies, minds, or spirits. 

If we are healthy, we do not require medicinal, mental or spiritual treatment. 

We breach the principles of harmony by which the body was made flawlessly by the Spirit, and we seek cures as a result of our ignorance. 

We want to be disease-free in every manner possible, therefore we should focus all of our efforts on preventing physical, mental, and spiritual illnesses.

You may also want to read more about Spirituality and Healing here.

Be sure to check out my writings on Religion here.