Dream state Body and Consciousness

In his dream state, a sleeping man may see himself happily travelling through a lovely garden, where he may come face to face with the lifeless body of a buddy. 

He is overcome with anguish, sheds tears, gets a headache, feels his heart throb or perhaps a storm bursts up, drenching him and making him wet and chilly. He jolts up, laughing at his fictitious dream. 

What is the difference between the experiences of a sleeping man under the influence of a dream, which are embodied in the bodies of himself and his dead friend, the garden, heat and cold, and experiences of consciousness, which are manifested in his knowledge of himself and his buddy, his awareness of the garden, heat and cold, and so on? —what, then, is the difference between his dream-state experiences and his waking-state ones? 

In both circumstances, there is an awareness of matter and an awareness of awareness. In his dream, the sleeping man generates matter and consciousness.

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