Meditation for Chakra Healing

It's better to start at the bottom and work your way up when healing your chakras than to start at the top and work your way down.

  • Concentrate all of your energy at the base of your spine to begin. Continue to feel this in your body as you breathe in and out. At this time, every part of your body should be comfortable.
  • Begin by ensuring that you are not carrying any tension in your legs or arms. Our chests and stomachs can also become constricted as a result of the stress. Inhale as you fill yourself with positivity, and exhale any stress you might still be keeping within these various pieces. Muladhara is the name given to your root chakra.
  • Different facets of your career will be dealt with by your root chakra. Money and attitude are also factors to consider. This root chakra is where you'll find something that has to do with your overall survival. If you're having trouble with your job, money, or everything else that shapes your life, it's possible that a blockage is forming in your root chakra. Fear is the worst thing that can happen to this root chakra.
  • It can be located inside the blockage passageways of your root chakra if you are holding on to the fear and tension, no matter what it is about.
  • Enable yourself to clean this part of yourself by breathing in positivity. Any part of your life's overall structure needs to be healed right now.
  • Allow yourself to become as rooted as possible.
  • Inhale for one, two, three, four, and five seconds. Exhale for five, four, three, two, and one minutes.

Become self-sufficient in terms of your financial situation. This has nothing to do with who you are as a human. Getting a lot of money or none at all can result in a very different way of life. Those that already have money are the only ones that say that money isn't everything. Money will provide you with the relaxation and security you need to really explore your happiness. 

What we must note is that we are all living, breathing people, regardless of our financial situation. Needs, wishes, and desires are still present in our lives. 

There are more important things in life than making money. Of course, you'll need funds to cover your basic living expenses. But, apart from that, money does not provide us with any kind of fulfilment. Allow yourself to be free of this form of anxiety.

Remind yourself that your job isn't anything. Many people mistakenly think that their work is their life, but you have so much more to live for. Feel the release of your root chakra at the base of your spine and all the way down your legs. 

The anxiety and tension can only exacerbate the situation. Of course, you will always be concerned about finances, but you do not have to let the anxiety reach a point where it is preventing you from moving forward. 

Breathe in peace and positivity, and exhale all that is limiting you here. Let's move on to the sacral chakra now.

This is referred to as Svadhishthana.

Pleasure is dealt with by this chakra. This energy center is also where you'll find something related to sexuality.

In your lower abdomen, you'll find your sacral chakra. 

You can feel your belly button now and know that your sacral chakra is two or three inches under it. This is the place to go if you're feeling guilty or worried about your relationships.

If you are prone to overindulgence or a lack of enjoyment, it is possible that you will develop a problem in your life. Too much pleasure finding and lust may be a diversion. Everyone deserves to have a good time, but it can easily turn into a habit.

Consider if you've overindulged in something lately. Even food can be an addiction or a means of escape that helps you avoid emotional issues you don't want to face. Feel yourself being freed from this right now.

Another important aspect of the energy that makes up your sacral chakra is sexuality.

  • Have you been having problems with your sexual life lately? 
  • Is there a partner with whom you've been having issues? 
  • Do you feel like there's something missing in this part of your life? 

  • Breathe in positivity and exhale any blockages that are preventing your sacral chakra from fully healing. 
  • Inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale. 

Manipura is the next chakra.

The solar plexus chakra is concerned with your personal strength. Inhale for one, two, three, four, and five seconds. Exhale for five, four, three, two, and one minutes.

This is the source of your inner strength and inspiration. Can you be self-assured and in command of your life? This skill will be discovered in that particular body part. It's important that we don't place any barriers or negativity in the way of our own ability to wield such strength.

The solar plexus chakra is located in the stomach region, just above your belly button and just below your chest. 

  • When you know something is wrong, this is where you can get butterflies in your stomach. This is where you'll find the huge, heavy ball. 
  • You can notice a pit in your stomach when something makes you anxious or gives you an unsteady feeling. 
  • Your solar plexus chakra is telling you that you must take over. This will be a major roadblock if you have any feelings of guilt or humiliation about who you are. 
  • When your solar plexus chakra is blocked, you won't be able to make good decisions for yourself. You must believe in yourself and be confident in your abilities in order to reach your full potential.

Inhale positivity when exhaling something that has been obstructing this area of your body. The energy present here will also influence your sense of self-worth. Your self-esteem is also critical, and you need to be able to cultivate it in order to make better decisions. We need to check in with ourselves so that we can be our own biggest fan. Loving yourself and meeting your needs for getting a high self-esteem is positive and does not make you egotistical; we need to check in with ourselves so that we can be our own biggest fan. Inhale and exhale slowly. Breathe in self-love and exhale any hate or doubt that has been blocking this chakra.

The heart chakra is the next chakra. This is the chakra that deals with love and relationships in general. 

This energy isn't just for regulating interpersonal relationships. It's also in charge of assisting you in controlling your feelings for yourself.

The most significant blockage for this section of your heart chakra would be some kind of grief or remorse. It's in the deepest part of your chest, right between your breasts. The Anahata is another name for it.

This part of your body is where you'll find some kind of happiness or inner peace. When you are happy, your heart will beat faster. When you are unsure of yourself and don't know what to do, your heart may be heavy. All of this will be part of the heart chakra's control.

  • Take a deep breath of happiness and exhale a deep breath of hatred. 
  • Fill yourself with peace and release any grief or guilt you might be experiencing. 
  • Allow yourself to recover from emotional pain and intimate relationships that might have been the source of your blockage. 
  • Breathe in positive energy and exhale all that is restricting you.

Our throat chakra is located above this. This is situated right in your throat. Vishuddha is another name for it. Communication is the focus of the throat chakra.

  • Take a look at your current situation and how you've been communicating and connecting with others. 
  • Do you let anyone know what's on your mind? 
  • Are you willing to stand up for what you believe to be right and true? 

When you spread it words unsaid to someone else, it only fills you with anger. 

  • Now open your mouth wide and take in as much air as you can. Feel yourself filling up with good vibes.
  • Hold it for a few seconds, then exhale as hard as you can, releasing all of the hatred you've been sending out to others. 
  • When you let go of all the negative energy that is being passed around, you will feel elevated and alive.
  • When you don't use your throat chakra properly, it may become blocked. 

Are you a more reserved person who is hesitant to share what's on your mind? This would only serve to further seal off your throat chakra. Allow yourself to connect with others by opening up this part of yourself. Inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale. Allow yourself to be at ease.

Our third-eye chakra is located in the center of our forehead. This is referred to as your Ajna.

Your intuition is represented by your third-eye chakra. It is something that will assist you on your journey through life. Even if they are aware that their third-eye chakra exists, not everyone would be able to access it in their lifetime. 

You must give yourself permission to see the facts. We may be aware that the reality is right in front of us, so we close our third eye because we aren't ready to see it. Now is the time to open this up and be honest with yourself. 

When you clear this blockage, you'll notice that all of your other chakras align as well. 

When you use your third eye to look directly in front of you instead of looking away, you will be able to keep your body at ease and put it together in complete harmony.

  • Inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale. Your imagination, ingenuity, intelligence, and critical thought are all contained within this third-eye.
  • Any kind of deception or distortion you've been feeling, or even constructing on your own, would be a major blockage for this chakra.
  • Feel as if your eyes are opening. Take note of what is right in front of you.
  • Close your eyes once more and take a deep breath in. To really let this third-eye breathe, you do not need to use your physical eyes. 
  • Allow air to flow in and out. Breathe in positivity and reality, and exhale any kind of neglect you've experienced in your life.

Finally, our crown chakra sits atop all of these chakras. Your Sahasrara is the name for this.

Regardless of what you believe in this life, your crown chakra reflects how close you will be to your spirituality. You have a deeper self inside of you that is bigger than the physical body. 

  • Allow the crown chakra to serve as a guide for you. 
  • Feel this take control of you, and allow it to be the driving force behind the rest of your chakras. Have faith in your instincts. 
  • Allow yourself to speak your mind. Feel the love and share it with others. 
  • Trust your instincts to recognize whether something is correct or incorrect. Allow yourself to enjoy yourself, but keep in mind that it cannot be anything. 
  • Keep your feet firmly planted on the ground and in the present moment. Once you've cleared these out, the only way to recover is to do so. 

Consider a physical injury you might sustain. If you scrape your knee, make sure it's clean before applying ointment or a bandage to help it heal. If you don't clean anything thoroughly first, it could trap something bad or poisonous inside, causing it to spread across the body and become much worse than it was before the initial wound.

  • You've cleansed your chakras and given yourself permission to completely cure yourself by breathing in and out, in and out. 
  • Your chakras have merged, and you have a better understanding of what it takes to feel at ease. You're at ease, and you're aware of your surroundings.
  • You are both present and prepared in this moment. 
  • You have a calm and serene demeanor.
  • You've reached a state of full relaxation and comfort. 
  • You have enabled each of your chakras. Now that you know where they are inside of you, it's time to begin the healing process. 
  • You'll be able to refer back to this anytime you need to make sure there aren't any clogs.
  • Since you'll be able to go through the rest of these meditations with a calm mind and a balanced flow through your body, this is the ideal beginner and warm-up meditation. 
  • Return your attention to your breathing. Inhale for one, two, three, four, and five counts, then exhale for five, four, three, two, and one counts.
  • In this step, you can already feel yourself beginning to recover. Allow your body to relax and become more concentrated.
  • We'll start counting down from twenty once more. When we get to one, you can either fall asleep, go about your day, or move on to the next meditation.

You may also like to read more about Meditation, Guided Meditation, Mindfulness Mediation and Healing here.