Shamanic Taoism - Meditating on Nature's Forces

The pakua can be used to concentrate energy during meditation.

The pakua produces a whirlwind, allowing the practitioner to gather, condense, and collect chi. This energy vortex can be used to construct not only a close bond between ourselves, but also a harmonious relationship with all of nature's powers, which are portrayed by the pakua's eight sides. 

This is accomplished by the Fusion practice, which gathers and condenses the abundant energy that consumes us into something that the body can use and absorb.

Forming four pakuas is the first step:

1. Front (or navel) pakua: One and a half inches inside the navel, below the navel.

2. Back pakua: One and a half inches in from the Door of Life, at the back of the body immediately opposite the navel between Lumbar 2 and 3.

3. The junction of a mentally drawn line running vertically downward from the left armpit and a line extending horizontally on the left side from the level of the navel and the Door of Life on the left side of the body. This intersection point is approximately one and a half inches away from the pakua.

4. Right pakua: On the right side of the body, approximately one and a half inches in, at the junction of a visualised vertical line drawn down from the right armpit and a horizontal line drawn from the level of the navel and the Door of Life.

These pakuas receive energy, which is then blended and transformed. The cauldron is then formed at the center of the body, between the four pakuas, as a self-center of being or power.

You may also want to read more about Shamanism here.

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