If the challenges are so severe, how can Tantra assist in overcoming them?

One of the goals of Tantra is to assist in the dismantling of the formidable barriers that we, our biology, and our culture have erected (which is the result of our biology interacting with various forms of environments whether they be so-called spiritual or so-called physical). 

In terms of dismantling the barriers we've just discussed, the most significant approach, in our opinion, that is shared by both Hindu and Buddhist Tantra, is the concept of 'de-programming.' We use the term de-programming with caution because we do not believe that a human being is built in the image of a computer. However, given the time and place in which this book is being published, we believe that most readers will understand what we mean. (In the 1920s, significant telepathy research was dubbed "mental radio.") Scientists utilized the telephone model to try to understand how the nervous system worked in the early days of the telephone.) De-programming is the process of removing involuntary constraints, such as unasked-for ideas that you have adopted as your own and identified with the "real you." This might be anything from a political party to a church to the cuisine you eat. 

In terms of spiritual or psychological de-programming, we've found that using symbols that depicts evil or destruction in your culture is the most effective method. To be clear, this does not always entail illegal behavior. It does refer to sacramental and magical practices involving symbols, such as the inverted cross, the black goat, or even the swastika in Western Magick. 

This final is, of course, an Eastern symbol with new Western interpretations' If the reader finds them upsetting, that is precisely the purpose' Using the swastika picture does not indicate you support Nazism or even Satanism, though Satanism in the West has strong ties to Tantra in the East' We weren't the first to raise this issue in a previous book, Pacts with the Devil (New Falcon Publications, 1993, 1991). In past decades, a lot of occultists (such as Dion Fortune) despised Tantra because they saw it as demonic magick. 

They were completely accurate (in a certain sense). The goal is to get so familiar with these symbols that they no longer have any meaning for you.' Before rejoining the Universe as a meaningful structure, one must first develop a forced nihilism in oneself, in terms of any meaning whatsoever. This, however, does not imply just looking at them or thinking on them. It entails consciously evoking your own power, summoning these spiritual energies, and even performing dark masses if necessary. 

The presence of a strong emotional component, not merely intellectual focus, is crucial. In the sexual realm, this might include consciously pursuing activities and sex roles that are either outlawed by your social surroundings or that you find terrifying. For example, heterosexual males frequently fear being the passive partner in sex, especially if gay. Allowing your female partner to possess you (if you are a guy) with a dildo' can help with this.

You may also want to read more about Tantra Yoga here.