Water for Spiritual Healing

Finding an Ocean in a drop of Water 

During periods of hypersensitivity, water has remarkable balancing and soothing powers. It provides inner alignment as consumed with consciousness. By putting a drop of water on your third eye area, you can stabilize the energy around you. When you use water that has been energized, you get even more strong effects. You will energies water by praying over it or writing a word on it with the purpose of infusing the frequency of the words into the glass. Words like "healing," "calm," and "peace" are effective.


This technique can help the body to relax by drawing healing energy into it. Concentrate on your breathing when gazing at something lovely, such as a rose, the sun, or the moon.

You can also concentrate on your hands' palms as though it's the first time you've seen them. By concentrating on something visual, you can divert your mind away from your emotions.

You may also want to read more about Empaths, Psychic Empaths, Intuitive Empaths, and Healing here.