What is Kapha in Ayurveda?

Kapha is a combination of water and earth. It is the glue that keeps the cells together that produces the body's structure. 

Kapha also provides the liquid that our cells and body systems require to survive. It lubricates our joints, moisturises our skin, aids in wound healing, and boosts our immunity. 

Kapha is responsible for providing strength, vitality, and stability. 

Excess kapha is responsible for attachment, greed, desire, and jealousy on a psychological level. 

When kapha is balanced, it manifests as feelings of love, peace, and forgiving. Heavy, sluggish, chilly, greasy, wet, smooth, soft, static, sticky, and sweet are all kapha traits. These attributes are manifested in various ways by Kapha people. 

All of the body's metabolic functions are governed by these three doshas when they are combined. 

Kapha promotes anabolism, or the process of building up the body, as well as cell development and regeneration. Pitta is in charge of digestion and absorption, as well as metabolism. Catabolism, a required degradation process in which bigger molecules are broken down into smaller ones, is triggered by Vata. 

Both pitta and kapha, which are both static, are moved by Vata, the principle of movement. When vata is out of balance, it has an impact on and disrupts the other doshas. The bulk of ailments are caused by exacerbated vata. 

The entire path of life may be split into three significant milestones. The kapha age is defined as the period between birth and the age of sixteen. The age of pitta is 16 to 50, while the age of vata is 50 to 100. Because this is the time of maximum physical growth and bodily structure, kapha and the anabolism process predominate in childhood. 

At this time of year, kapha problems such as lung congestion, cough, colds, and mucus discharges are widespread. Pitta is most noticeable in maturity, a period of activity and vigor. In old age, vata and the catabolic degradation processes take hold, resulting in vata diseases such as tremors, emaciation, dyspnea, arthritis, and memory loss.