What is Vata in Ayurveda?

Vata is the moving energy. Although it is called the air principle, it is more accurately described as the subtle energy that regulates biological movement than than real air in the external world. Vata is inextricably linked to prana, our essential life force. 

Vata's essential essence is prana. It's the play of intelligence, the life-force. 

That level of intelligence is required for communication between two cells, as well as the survival of both. 

Prana is thought to be the attraction between Purusha and Prakruti on a cosmic level. 

Vata, as the principle of movement, governs all mental and physiological activity in the body. Breathing, blinking of our eyes, heartbeat, and all movement in the cytoplasm and cell membranes are all controlled by it. 

Vata is in charge of all impulses in our nervous system's enormous networks. 

When vata is balanced, it encourages creativity and flexibility, as well as sensations of lightness, pleasure, and joy. 

Vata is the element of dread, agitation, worry, and even tremors and spasms when it is out of equilibrium. Vata is characterised by its dryness, lightness, coldness, subtlety, clarity, mobility, and dispersion. We'll see how these attributes manifest in a person with a vata constitution shortly.

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