Yogic Techniques to Improve Concentration

Psychic, Powers, Superhero, Magic, Eyes


A candle flame, the moon, a dazzling star, a mandala, a beautiful flower, or the eyes of a portrait of your guru or a saint are all examples of external objects to which the gaze is focused without blinking and with entire focus. 

To practice tratak on a photo of your guru, Jesus Christ, Krishna, or a saint, sit in a comfortable and relaxed position and hold the photo of your choosing at eye level and one arm's length in front of you. 

With your eyes open, stare at it steadily with full concentration and interest for a minute or two, then close your eyes and envision the face and eyes of the Master, guru, or saint you've been staring at. 

By envisioning these Masters in your spiritual eye, you can tune in to their consciousness. Within the lotus of your heart, feel their presence, love, joy, light, and vitality. 

Remember, no matter how much love you have for the personalized image (saint, guru, deity, etc. ), the object of devotional concentration should always be regarded as just one expression of God, lest we lose sight of the unity that exists behind the multiplicity of manifestations — the un-manifested godhead, that which is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. 

We must move beyond personality worship and form worship to attune to the divine Consciousness that gives and manifests love, light, joy, and knowledge via the form of personality. 


Japa is the practice of repeating any of God's Names in order to cultivate devotion and focus the thoughts on Him. Repetition can be done aloud, in hushed tones, or silently to oneself. Japa is commonly performed using mala beads or a rosary that contains 108 beads. 

The number 108 has special meaning since ancient yogis calculated that a normal individual takes 21,600 breaths in 24 hours; 200 times 108 = 21,600. One hundred and eight is also a spiritual number, as it is divisible by nine. When done with attention and a total surrender to God, mental japa prepares the mind for profound meditation. 

Consistent japa practice cleanses the mind and redirects the flow of attention away from extraneous objects and toward God. Sit in a comfortable meditation position and focus on the heart chakra (anahata) or the space between the brows (the spiritual eye) to practice japa — see page 86. 

The mind may be readily controlled by focusing the thoughts and closing the eyes on the inner spiritual eye. In your right hand, hold your japa mala or rosary. Hold the first little bead next to the bigger sumeru bead between your right thumb and middle finger and recite your mantra once with focus. Continue with the next little bead, repeating the mantra. 

Continue working your way around the mala, one bead at a time, until you've completed all 108 mantras. When you return to the sumeru bead, do not cross it to begin the following round; instead, turn the mala and start from the last bead before the sumeru.


Kirtan, or chanting, is a powerful tool for channeling and focusing the mind's energy inward toward God. Chanting devotional songs stimulates the heart's innate love and dedication. 

It has the potential to arouse in us a desire to know and be closer to God. It provides us a taste of the Self, which is happiness. Chanting also promotes feelings of love, joy, and serenity. 

Ask yourself, "Who am I chanting to and why?" before you begin to chant. 

Chanting is half the fight

This is crucial if you want to transcend your ego. When we chant, we should experience the presence of the Lord in our hearts. 

Chant with love and dedication, and focus your thoughts solely on God. Listen carefully to the lyrics and experience the chants' energy and vibratory force as you chant. 

Concentrate on the spiritual eye (ajna chakra) or the heart chakra with your eyes closed. 

Begin by chanting aloud, allowing the words and rhythms of the chant to fill your body and mind, then progressively lower the volume while increasing the inner experience of the chant until you reach the super-conscious level, when you may transform internal vibrations into spiritual realizations.

These encouraging remarks from a great Master are a fantastic source of encouragement for anybody who is really looking for God.

You may also want to read more about Yoga and Holistic Healing here.