Ayurvedic Self Care - Importance Of Forgiveness

Forgiving yourself and others may be a very therapeutic activity. 

Harboring on to anger or holding grudges, according to Ayurveda, may lead to a buildup of toxic ama in our bodies. 

This letter-writing process gives you the opportunity to recognize and then let go of your pain and anger, releasing any bad energy that has been stored in your body. 


Reduces the weight of a grudge; relieves sorrow and tension; gives a feeling of comfort; fosters optimism. 


Approximately 20 minutes, or as long as you need. It may be done as many times as necessary. 


As emotions are released, you may feel worse at first. These emotions should pass, but if they don't, you should seek professional help. 


Breathe gently and deeply to focus your thoughts. Inhale for 5 counts with your nose, then exhale for 5 counts through your mouth. Rep 3 times more. 

  1. Consider who you'd want to write to and why. Make a list of any emotions, thoughts, or phrases that come to mind. 
  2. Use your notes as a starting point for drafting your message. Instead of using harsh words or making accusations, try to describe how the event has impacted you. 
  3. Ask the recipient for forgiveness at the end of your letter. Now read your letter from beginning to end, paying attention to how you feel. 
  4. Finish the ceremony by ripping up or burning your letter in a safe manner. 
  5. Visualize your bad feelings dissipating as the words fade away.

You may also want to read more about Ayurveda and Holistic Healing here.