Chair Yoga - Trikonasana Or Utthita Trikonasana.

A basic standing position is Utthita Trikonasana (Triangle Pose). 

The chair can assist in determining the proper alignment of the posture as well as increasing its duration with less effort. 

Variation 1: 

Place a chair behind you. 

To utilize the right-hand chair, follow these steps: 

  • Place the chair on the right side behind you, with the seat facing backwards (the backrest closer to you).
  • Turn the right leg out and use the left hand to grip the backrest behind the back. 
  • Place the right hand on the seat and bend into the posture. 
  • Open the chest and turn it upward using the left hand's grasp on the backrest. 
  • If feasible, descend farther and grab the chair leg or the horizontal rung closest to the floor. 
  • The chair is positioned behind you in this variant, which helps to bring the shoulders back – particularly the left shoulder (back leg shoulder) – and tilt the chest upward. 
  • Traction for the spine and neck can be provided by a helper. 

Variation 2: 

Place a chair in front of you. When reaching the front leg's ankle is tough, this variant comes in handy. 

To utilize the chair on the left side, follow these steps: 

  • Place the chair in front of you and line the chair's left side with your left leg. 
  • Extend the left leg. 
  • Put your left hand on the seat and your right hand on the backrest to begin the posture. 
  • To turn the chest, push with the right hand. 
  • The chair helps to expand the pelvis and turn the chest upward while supporting and stabilizing the position. 

Variation 3: 

Place your foot on the inverted chair. 

The chair is now flipped upside down, with the front foot resting on the sloped seat bottom. 

To utilize the right-hand chair, follow these steps: 

  • Place the backrest against the wall and invert the chair (legs up). Place the right foot on the inverted seat and turn the right leg out. Take the upper horizontal rung and hold it in the stance. 
  • You may turn your palm out like this: This helps to move the chest upward and roll the shoulder back. 
  • If you can, move lower and grip the bottom horizontal rung close to your right leg. In, a rear perspective is displayed. 
  • The front foot's sloping support stimulates the front leg and assists in shifting the body weight to the rear leg. 
  • The ankle, knee, and hip joints in the front leg get a nice workout with this version. 
  • It helps to move the head of the femur (thigh bone) into its socket in the pelvic girdle and strengthens the knee. 
  • The chair's rungs give hand support at two levels: one that is higher (to begin with) and one that is lower (to move deeper into the pose). 

Variation 4:

Foot on the seat.

The effect of the preceding modification is amplified by elevating the front foot. 

To achieve the position on the left side, follow these steps: 

  • Place the chair against the wall with its back to the wall. Bend into the stance by placing the center of the left heel onto the seat's edge. 
  • This modification minimizes the strain on the front leg even further. 
  • The pressure of the heel on the seat's edge activates the front leg's foot, knee, and hip. 
  • The knee becomes more active without being overworked, and the femur bone is pulled further into the hip joint socket. 
  • The back leg (on the right in the figure) grows heavier and more steady. 
  • Other standing stances can benefit from the same front foot stance. 

Parsvottanasana, Parivrtta Trikonasana, Virabhadrasana II, Utthita Parsvakonasana, and Parivrtta Parsvakonasana are all good places to start. 

You may also want to read more about Chair Yoga here.

You may also want to read more about Yoga here.

You may also want to read more about Yoga Asanas and Exercises here.