Pranayama - Nadi Shodhana - Intermediate Version


BENEFITS: Improved Focus, Balance, Mental Clarity, and Intuition 

After both your inhalations and exhalations, this intermediate version of Balancing Nadi Shodhana includes kumbhaka, or breath retention. 

The holding of breath, when combined with Nadi Shodhana, helps to calm the mind, allowing you to connect with your intuition and see things more clearly. 

1. Start by setting a timer for 12 minutes. 

2. Close your eyes and relax your body in a comfortable sitting position with your spine upright. 

3. Establish a regular breathing pattern (Sama Vritti) by inhaling for six counts and expelling for six counts. Continue for another two minutes. 

4. Make Vishnu Mudra with your right hand. 

5. When you first start the exercise, block your left nostril with your ring finger and your right nose with your thumb. 

6. For a count of six, close your right nostril with your thumb and inhale through your left nostril. While engaging Jalandhara Bandha, close both nostrils and hold the breath in for three counts. 

7. Exhale for a count of six while unblocking your right nostril (leaving your left nostril blocked). 

8. For a count of three, close both nostrils and hold your air out. 

9. Exhale for a count of six via the right nostril, then exhale through the left nostril. 

10. Engage Jalandhara Bandha by closing both nostrils and holding the breath in for three counts. 

11. Exhale for a count of six while releasing your left nostril (leaving your right nostril closed). 

12. For a count of three, close both nostrils and hold your air out. 

13. Steps 5 through 12 should be repeated for an additional 8 minutes (for a minimum of six rounds). 

14. Release the mudra, breathe through both nostrils, and relax with your eyes closed for 1 to 2 minutes, paying attention to any feelings, particularly in the center of your brain. 

15. Keep a journal of your experience, recording any unusual feelings, progress, or obstacles. 

TIPS: If one nostril is partly or totally blocked, gently relax the closed nostril while visualizing air flowing through the open nose. This method should be avoided if you have a cold or sinus infection.

You may also want to read more about Pranayama and Holistic Healing here.