Pranayama - Ujjayi - Energizing Breath - Intermediate Version



By including kumbhaka, or breath holding, following your inhalation, this form of Ujjayi provides a brahman, or revitalizing impact. 

  • This is a wonderful method to do first thing in the morning or whenever you need a little more energy. 

1. Set a 10-minute timer for yourself. 

2. Close your eyes and relax your body in a comfortable sitting position with your spine upright. 

3. Use Gyan Mudra if you want to amp up the energetic impact. 

4. Bring your attention to the back of your throat and the feeling of your breath. 

5. As you inhale and exhale, gently constrict the glottis (back of the throat) to produce a quiet hissing or ocean-like sound. It sounds like a faint snoring most of the time. 

6. With the music, take long, slow, deep breaths in and out. Inhale for a count of six and expel for a count of six for five rounds, keeping the breath audible. 

7. A count of breath is about one second, or the time it takes to recite " m." For a count of six, inhale loudly. While doing Jalandhara Bandha, keep your breath in by tightening your chin into your throat for three counts. 

8. Exhale for a count of six, then quickly go onto the next inhale without holding your breath out. 

9. Repeat steps 6–8 for a total of 5 minutes. 

10. Let go of the method and pay attention to how it affects your body and mind. Allow your eyes to open slowly. 

11. Keep a journal of your experience, recording any strange feelings, progress, or obstacles. 

TIPS: If you're having trouble engaging Jalandhara Bandha, practice it beforehand to develop muscle memory. If holding your breath makes you feel uneasy, avoid today's exercise.

You may also want to read more about Pranayama and Holistic Healing here.