Pranayama - VAYUS Vs. PRANA?

Some earlier writings, such as the Taittiriya Upanishad, use the word vayu instead of prana to refer to life energy. 

However, in recent yogic literature, the word vayu has come to mean a division of the life force, prana, into ten essential airs, which we might call sub-pranas. 

Unfortunately, one of these sub-pranas is referred to as prana, causing some misunderstanding

The life force is therefore referred to as prana, while the vital air prana is referred to as prana vayu. 

  • Five of the 10 vayus (vital airs) are regarded main (prana vayu, apana, samana, udana, vyana) and the other five secondary (apana, samana, udana, vyana) (naga, krkara, kurma, devadatta, dhananjaya).
  • Prana, apana, and samana are the ones we should be most concerned about. 
  • These vayus are significant in three areas for us: meditation, health/life extension, and Kundalini rising.

You may also want to read more about Pranayama and Holistic Healing here.