What Is Shava Asana?

The Corpse Pose, Shava Asana, is also known as Shanti Asana, or the Peaceful Pose. Mrita Asana, or Death Stance, is another name for it, however that variant is a much more relaxed posture. 

Shava Asana should always be performed on a firm, level surface rather than a large cushion or mattress. 

The Corpse Posture, Shava Asana, is pronounced "Sha-wa." It directly translates to "dead body." 

If one can learn to truly "let go" of all conscious tension while resting in this pose, it is a helpful Yoga position for relaxation. 

  • While intentionally letting go of any tension you become aware of in any region of your body, repeat to yourself "Relax-relax-relax"
  • For others, thinking or saying "Shanti, Shanti, Shanti—peace, peace, peace" will be helpful. 
  • Make sure your mat or pad is placed in a calm area, away from any insects or noise. 
  • Ascertain that you will not be disturbed by taking the appropriate steps, such as removing loud electrical gadgets and turning off the telephone buzzer. 
  • If you are disturbed while in Shava Asana, you may experience "jangled nerves" instead of the tranquility you seek. 
  • If you are conducting your Yoga practice in chilly conditions, you may want to wrap yourself with a blanket. 
  • To take advantage of the magnetic polarity flow along the earth's surface, lie down supine on your back, preferably with your head to the north and your feet to the south. 
  • The toes should be allowed to relax apart once the heels have been pulled together to contact. Hands should be comfortably close to the side. 
  • As if standing up, the chin should be in a natural position. 
  • The chin should never be pressed up on the thyroid gland in the neck, nor should it be thrusting out as if it were looking for a battle. 

Mrita Asana, or Death Pose, is a version of this posture in which the legs are spread wide apart and the arms are flung out from the sides as if in the throes of death or as if dead. 

For easy relaxation, the Shava Asana is preferred. Mrita Asana is employed in Kaya Kriya.

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You may also want to read more about Yoga Asanas and Exercises here.