Yoga And Yoga Asanas - Pranyama For Proper Blood Circulation

The natural accomplishment of main and small canals, as well as a beautiful sewage and drainage system, is the circulation of blood from the heart, out into the body, and back again. 

  • The heart pumps oxygen-rich blood out via the arteries to the body's main and smaller organs. Smaller tubes called capillaries connect the arteries to the circulatory system's returning veins at their ends. 
  • The stale, de-oxygenated blood, which is now loaded with carbon dioxide, is returned to the lungs via the heart, where it is cleansed and given back to the heart for a fresh cycle through the body. 
  • The blood circulates in three main circuits, each of which is regulated and controlled by breathing. 

Adham Pranayarna, or abdominal breath, regulates lower blood circulation into the lower pelvis and down to the feet. 

Women are notoriously bad abdominal breathers, resulting in pelvic tightness, poor circulation in the feet and ankles, chilly feet, varicose veins in the legs, fluid retention, and lymph gland congestion. 

  • The intercostal breath, Madhyam Pranayama, controls blood flow into the torso of the body, circulating blood to the liver and intestines as well as providing blood to the heart muscles. 
  • Women have a natural ability to breathe in the middle of their breath. So few people have stomach problems and have minimal heart disease. 

As a consequence of their poor mid-breathing, men are at risk for heart disease. 

  • An inadequate blood supply deprives the heart muscles of essential oxygen, resulting in ischemia, cardiac insufficiency or shortage of blood flow to the heart muscles, and the resulting Angina Pectoris, with its sensation of suffocation and restriction of blood into the pectoral muscles. 
  • The most prevalent illness that leads to all other cardiac problems is myocardial ischemia. 
  • The clavicular breath, also known as Adhyam Pranayama or Adhi Pranayarma, pumps blood up into the neck and head and out into the arms. 
  • The brain cells are starved as a result of poor upper circulatory system circulation. 
  • Sugar and oxygen are essential for the brain's survival. Both of these components are provided by a well-functioning circulatory system. 

The head's sense organs are the first to be damaged, resulting in hearing loss and vision loss. Other senses fading, headaches, all kinds of stress, hair loss, and skin problems.

  • Anything that makes it difficult to breathe or circulate properly should be avoided. 
  • The lungs are poisoned by toxic gases and industrial effluvia when you live in a contemporary, industrial region. 
  • Even living in a rural community is becoming a respiratory danger owing to D.D.T. supernitrate residue in the air and fumes from contemporary automated agricultural farming emissions. 
  • Industrial toxins masquerading as preservatives pollute our food. 
  • Food processing is inherently harmful to one's body's health. 
  • We pickle the system by sprinkling salt, sugar, and condiments on our meals. 
  • Tea, coffee, colas, sodas, and alcohol all contribute to a condition known as "blood addiction," which causes us to desire these substances. 

The usage of drugs has given the issue of bad habits a whole new dimension. 

  • Millions of people are ignorant of their addiction to common chemical compounds found in supermarkets and pharmacy stores. 
  • The number one cause of lung and blood stream pollution is smoking cigarettes, cigars, and using a smoking pipe. 
  • No other habit has contributed more to the development of lung and vascular disease. 
  • Even living in close quarters with a heavy smoker has its drawbacks. 
  • According to studies, inhaling "slipstream smoke" has the same consequences as smoking. 

No one should begin practicing the science of Pranayama and Hatha Yoga unless they have quit smoking. 

A holistic view of our surroundings, as well as a Yoga ecosystem, is required. Complete breathing, like in Mahat Yoga Pranayama, activates the brain's Respiratory Centre, allowing healthy, oxygenated blood to flow to all parts of the body. Toxic poisons are shuffled off to different organs of elimination, but especially the lungs and kidneys, by the same; regulated, controlled breathing.

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