Yoga And Yoga Asanas - What Is Mahat Yoga Pranayama?

The only kind of breathing deserving of the term Deep Breathing is the Yoga version of the "Complete Breath." 

  • The breath is regulated such that air reaches the abdominal region of the lungs first, then the middle, and lastly the upper clavicular area. 
  • The breath is exhaled in the same sequence every time: low, mid, and high. Employ Aprakasha Mudra with the hands while performing this. 
  • A "swallowing of the breath movement" after the incoming breath to assist hold in the breath and prevent bronchiospasm. 
  • This swallowing motion is comparable to swallowing water or food, and it gives you control over the nerves connected to aware breathing. 

If doing this Mudra is difficult, try focusing your attention on the back of your head, in the Occipital region of the skull, and swallowing should become easier. 

  • This Mudra is effective in overcoming hypnotic indoctrination. 
  • Place one hand on the diaphragmatic region and the other on the mid chest to assist in establishing good control over these three breathing regions. 
  • After the lower lobes have been filled, the lower hand may be lifted to the high chest region, or the mind can be focused into the high lobes. 
  • Start a long, slow, deep breath with the hands in the recommended position, regulating at least one-third of the time to the abdominal area, then continuing the breath into the mid chest for another third of the time allotted, and finally filling the high clavicular area of the chest for the remaining one-third of the count. 
  • A "two count" into each of the lung regions is suggested for a novice, so that the breith arrives two times two times two (2x2x2) until the Complete or Grand Yoga Breath is achieved. 
  • The breath should be kept in for a brief time before being exhaled in the same sequence and timing as the inhalation (2x2x2). 
  • That is, the breath is expelled first from the lower lobes, then from the middle lobe. 
  • Finally, there are the higher lobes that we gradually move onto. 

It's also worth noting that in each part, the outgoing breath comes from the back lobes first, then the side lobes, and finally the front lobes. 

  • A short respite should be given at this stage for the novice before repeating the full cycle for three to six cycles. 

After gaining some positive control, the period of holding in the breath can be increased to the same length as the incoming and outgoing breaths, and a held out breath can be added over time (see Stikha Pronaya ma).

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You may also want to read more about Yoga Asanas and Exercises here.