Hinduism - What Is Ayamatma Brahman?

Brahman Ayamatma  means "This is Brahman." in Sanskrit. 

This phrase is one of the "great utterances" (mahavakyas) expressing ultimate truth in Hindu philosophical tradition. 

  • The identity of atman (individual Self) and Brahman (Ultimate Reality) is the truth here; this identity is at the core of the mystical writings known as the Upanishads. 
  • Aside from their intellectual significance as basic truths, the four divisions of the Dashanami Sanyasi ascetics adopted four mahavakyas as emblems. 
  • Each division had its own mahavakya, just as each division had its own Veda, main holy place, and ascetic character. 
  • The mahavakya connected with the Anandawara division of the Dashanami Sanyasis is Ayamatma Brahman.

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