Hinduism - Who Were The Ganga Dynasty Of India?

 The Ganga Dynasty Eastern Indian dynasty that governed the coastal stretch on the Bay of Bengal in the present states of Orissa and Andhra Pradesh from the 11th to 15th centuries.

Despite the fact that the Ganga dynasty was never more than a regional power, it left an aesthetic legacy in modern Orissa in the form of a succession of exquisite temples.

The Ganga dynasty is famous for the Jagannath temple in Puri and the Sun Temple in Konarak, both of which were erected by King Narasimhadeva (r.1238–1264).

The dynasty also constructed temples across modern-day Bhubaneshvar, notably the temple dedicated to the deity Shiva as Tribhuvaneshvar, or "Lord of the Triple World," from whence the city gets its name.

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