Hinduism - What Is Jyotisha?

The term jyotisha refers to astrology in its broadest sense.

The term is derived from jyotis ("light," and by extension, heavenly bodies), and it refers to the movement of celestial bodies, their many configurations, and the temporal divisions that result from them.

Jyotisha is one of the six Vedangas, or auxiliary fields of knowledge related to the ancient books known as the Vedas, and it is one of the oldest cultural concerns.

Jyotisha, as one of the Vedangas, was concerned with determining the best days and times to conduct Vedic sacrifices.

Many traditional Hindus, even in contemporary times, take astrology extremely seriously, based on the belief that one's prior karma causes one to be born at a certain period.

The alignment of the celestial bodies at the moment of birth, or one's natal horoscope, therefore gives a karmic "itinerary" indicating where one has gone and what one might anticipate in the future.

People often consult astrology when making major choices, notably when planning weddings—to establish the couple's compatibility, to see if any problem is on the horizon, and to schedule the event at an auspicious or fortunate period.

Similarly, some Hindus may contact an astrologer before embarking on any major project to ensure that it will begin at an auspicious time and so be more likely to succeed.

Indian astrology's fundamental concepts are remarkably similar to those of Western astrology.

The signs of the zodiac are substantially similar.

However, the two systems use different methods to determine the beginning point of each sign, resulting in some differences.

In Indian astrology, in addition to the sun, moon, and five visible planets, there are two more planets, Rahu and Ketu, which are both considered inauspicious and malicious.

In addition to the twelve signs of the solar zodiac, Indian astrology features a lunar zodiac with twenty-seven "lunar mansions" (nakshatras) each with its own set of characteristics.

Although astrological reckoning is quite straightforward at its most basic level, it may soon become extremely complicated, therefore it is usually left to experienced astrologers.

In most of India, this is still a viable career, since the widely held idea that some times are auspicious and others are unfavorable means that ordinary people would engage professionals to keep them informed about certain periods.

You may also want to read more about Hinduism here.

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