Hinduism - What Is The Muladhara Chakra?


Muladhara Chakra is a chakra located in the center of the body.

The muladhara chakra is one of the six psychic centers (chakras) thought to exist in the subtle body, according to several schools of yoga and tantra, a secret ritual-based religious practice.

The subtle body is a parallel physiological system to the material body that exists on a different level of reality than matter.

Three vertical channels link the six psychic centers, which are shown as multipetaled lotus flowers running approximately down the spine.

Each chakra has symbolic connotations with many human capabilities, numerous subtle components (tanmatras), and various seed syllables (bijaksharas) produced from Sanskrit alpha bet letters, encapsulating all holy sound.

The corporeal abodes of Shiva (consciousness) and Shakti (power), the two divine principles through which the whole cosmos came into existence, are located above and below these centers.

The homology of macrocosm and microcosm, a key Hindu belief from the time of the mysti cal books known as the Upanishads, is the basic premise underpinning the concept of the subtle body.

The six chakras are usually enumerated from the bottom up, with the muladhara chakra being the first to be enumerated.

It's shaped like a four-petaled lotus and is found around the base of the spine.

Each petal has a seed syllable, which in this instance is the consonants "va" to "sa." The muladhara chakra is said to be the physical seat of the earth element, which excretions are likened to.

The muladhara chakra is also said to be the home of kundalini, the latent spiritual force that pervades all humans and is represented as a snake looped three times around the muladhara chakra.

The muladhara, despite its connotations with the most mundane element and the most unclean body function, is also a wellspring of religious attainment potential.

See Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe), Shakti and Shakta, 1978, and Philip S. Rawson, The Art of Tantra, 1973, for further details.

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