

Shramana (derived from the Sanskrit word shram, which means "to strive") - Religious adepts whose beliefs emphasized renunciation, ascetic disciplines, and the pursuit for intuitive insights from the middle of the first millennium before the common period.

Individualist, experiential, free-form, and society-independent religious activity characterized Shramana.

All of these characteristics put them in religious competition with brahmin priests, whose practice emphasized mastery of sacred texts and the performance of extremely complex rituals; the need for sponsors for these rituals made brahmin religion a "establishment" religion that served the patron classes.

The terms shramana and brahmin are used by Indian grammarians to illustrate typically bitter opponents, including mongoose and cobra, and the difference appears to be between a religious model emphasizing individual charisma (shramana) and one emphasizing highly trained technical expertise (brahmin) (brahmin).

By vehemently rejecting the authority of the Vedas, a segment of the shra mana lineage stayed outside the Hindu fold; the Jains, Buddhists, Ajivikas, and other religious organizations arose as a consequence of this rejection of the Vedas.

The dharma literature, which found a home for renunciant asceticism in the shape of the Sanyasi, the final of the four traditional phases of life, incorporated part of the shra mana legacy into conventional Hinduism (ashramas).

Padmanabh S. Jaini, "Sramanas: Their Conflict with Brahmanical Society," in Joseph Elder (ed. ), Chapters in Indian Civilization, 1970, for further information on the shramanas and the evolution of this tradition.