Affirm into Your Subconscious

TIME: (For the person) Immediately after waking up after a night's sleep or during the interval of somnolence before sleep in the morning. (For the group) Any time that is convenient. 

SETTING: As much as feasible, in a noiseless or peaceful environment. If you have to utilize the affirmations in a noisy environment, simply disregard the noise and focus on your activity. 


  • Always clear your thoughts of any anxieties and uneasiness before beginning to affirm. 
  • Choose an affirmation and repeat it loudly at first, then softer and slower until your voice is hardly audible. 
  • Then progressively confirm it simply in your mind, without moving your mouth or lips. 
  • Affirm mentally until you feel like you've blended into a state of profound, uninterrupted concentration, not unconsciousness, but conscious continuity of thinking. 
  • Then, if you keep repeating your mental affirmation and going deeper, you will experience an increased sensation of joy and tranquilly. 

Your affirmation will dissolve into the sub-conscious stream during intense concentration, only to return later fortified with power to impact your conscious mind through the law of habit. 

Your affirmation moves deeper into the super-conscious reservoir as you experience ever-increasing tranquilly, returning later laden with boundless power not just to affect your conscious mind but also to materially accomplish your objectives. 

Doubt not, and you will experience the scientific faith's miracle. 

Care should be taken to affirm with an even tone, even strong force, even focus, and even sense of faith and calm during group affirmations for treating physical or mental ailment in oneself or others. 

Weaker minds dilute the unified power generated by such affirmations, and can even divert this flow of power away from its intended goal. 

By all means, do not move your body, become psychologically agitated, or bother your neighbor. Simply remaining motionless is insufficient; you must remember that your focus or restlessness will have a significant impact on the intended outcome, either positively or negatively. 

The following affirmation-seeds are imbued with the Soul's inspiration, and they should be watered by your trust and focus and sown in the soil of super-conscious serenity to help them germinate. 

Between the sowing of the affirmation-seed and its blossoming, there are several mechanisms at work. To get the intended result, all of the circumstances for its growth must be met. 

The affirmation-seed must be alive, devoid of doubt, unrest, or inattention; it must be planted in people's thoughts and hearts with faith, focus, dedication, and tranquilly; and it must be nurtured with deep, fresh repetitions. Avoid mechanical repetition at all costs. 

The biblical prohibition "Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain" has this connotation. Repeat affirmations forcefully, with passion, and with sincerity, until you have accumulated enough power that one command, one powerful desire from yourself is enough to transform your body cells or move your Soul to accomplish wonders.

You may also want to read more about Spirituality and Healing here.

Be sure to check out my writings on Religion here.