Sushumna Nadi contains the Anahata Chakra (Sukshma centre). The heart is under its influence. In the human body, it refers to the Cardiac Plexus. Mahar Loka corresponds to this.

The color of the Chakra is a rich crimson. A hexagonal space of flame, deep black color, or collyrium color exists within this Chakra (used for the eyes). The Vayu Mandal's center chakra is this one (region of air, Vayu Tattva). There are 15 Yoga Nadis that radiate from this stage. 

The Sanskrit letters that represent the sound produced by each Nadi are as follows: —kö K:ö g:ö G:ö c:ö Cö j:ö J:ö J:ö J:ö W:ö Xö Yö (kaü khaü gaü ghaü aü caü chaü jaü jhaü aü and haü) The Bijakshara y:ö (yaü), Vayu's Bija, has arrived. 

Isha (Rudra) is the presiding goddess, and Kakini is the Devata. Svayambhu Linga is found in the Muladhara Chakra, while Bana Linga is found in the Anahata Chakra. The Kalpa Vriksha, which bestows all desires, has arrived. 

At this middle, the Anahata echo, the sound of Shabda Brahman, can be heard. This sound can be heard if you do Sirshasana for a long time. Sattva Guna abounds in Vayu Tattva. This Sthana is home to Vishnu Granthi.


Vayu Tattva is fully under the guidance of whoever meditates on this Chakra. He receives Bhuchari Siddhi, Khechari Siddhi, Kaya Siddhi, and other types of Siddhi (flying in air, entering the body of another). He receives cosmic devotion as well as all other divine Sattvic characteristics.

You may also want to read more about Kundalini Yoga and Holistic Healing here.