The Vishuddha Chakra is located at the base of the throat, in the Sushumna Nadi, Kantha-Mula Sthana. This is the same as Janar Loka. It is the Akasa Tattva (ether elementcore. )'s The Tattva is a brilliant blue color. All other Chakras are under Manas Tattva's power.

Sadasiva (Isvara Linga) is the presiding deity, and Shakini is the Goddess. 16 Yoga Nadis, which resemble lotus petals, emanate from this center. 

The 16 Sanskrit vowels are used to describe the vibrations formed by the Nadis: —Aö A:ö Eö Iö uö Uö?ö @ö ;ö =ö Oö Oö A:ö A:ö A:ö A:ö AH (aü àü iü uü ü çü éü ü ü eü aiü oü auü aü and a). The fullmoon-shaped Akasa Mandal (ether region) is round in form. 

This is where the Akasa Tattva hö (haü) Bija can be found. It is white in color. In the human body, this Chakra corresponds to the Laryngeal plexus.

Akasa Dharana is the practice of concentrating on the Tattva of this Chakra. While in Pralaya, whoever practices this Dharana will not perish. 

He achieves the greatest level of achievement. Through meditating on this Chakra, he gains complete knowledge of the four Vedas. He evolves into a Trikala Jnani (one who has knowledge of the past, current, and future).

You may also want to read more about Kundalini Yoga and Holistic Healing here.