Ayurvedic Healing Properties of Colors

Colors have therapeutic powers, which are used in Ayurvedic remedies. The vibratory energy of the colors may be employed to help build equilibrium in the mind and body since the primary hues of the rainbow are associated with the physical tissues (dhatus) and the doshas. 

Color is nothing more than light, and light is the radiant energy that each atom emits. The sun is the source of light and color. Sun rays are responsible for all of the colors we see in our solar system. The wavelength, frequency, and vibration of each hue are unique. 

The seven hues of the rainbow may be separated using a prism in the sunshine, but the equal presence of all seven produces white light. Black, or blackness, is the absence of any color. As a result, black is a negative color, whereas white is a positive one. Choosing proper colors for your apparel and surroundings at home and at work can have an impact on your health and happiness. 

Also, if you wrap colored, translucent paper or plastic wrap over a jar or glass of water and leave it in the sun for four hours, the water will absorb the color's vibrations. Drinking the water will then have a positive effect.


Red is a vibrant and comforting color. It eliminates excess kapha and soothes exacerbated vata. Overexposure to this color, however, can worsen pitta and produce amatory diseases like conjunctivitis due to its hot impact. The color red is associated with our blood. It enhances circulation and encourages the development of red blood cells. It also maintains skin color and provides energy to nerve tissue and bone marrow. Pink has a milder influence, fostering love and tranquilly, yet in kapha people, it may promote lethargy.


Orange, like red, is a comforting color with a healing aura. It's a sexually arousing color that offers the sex organs vigor and vigor. Surprisingly, orange aids renunciation and the transformation of sexual energy into Supreme Consciousness in spiritual aspirants who have chosen to be celibate. Orange is balanced for both vata and kapha, although pitta may find it annoying. It possesses antibacterial and bacteriostatic qualities, which means it prevents germs from growing.


Yellow helps to balance out excess vata and kapha. It helps energy ascend to the crown chakra for spiritual revelation and enhances insight and wisdom. Yellow is a decongestant that aids with kapha congestion relief. It also has antimicrobial properties. Excess bile is produced as a result of overexposure to yellow, which raises pitta dosha.


This hue has a relaxing impact on the mind and body, as well as providing a sense of freshness. It calms the emotions and energizes the heart chakra, bringing sensations of joy to the heart. Green calms and soothes excess pitta, but it might irritate vata and kapha. Green increases the formation of granulation tissue and aids in the healing of ulcers.


Blue is a soothing hue that helps to soothe irritated pitta. It helps to treat liver issues and has a relaxing impact on the body and psyche. Placing a baby under a blue light will help it heal faster if it has jaundice. Pure Consciousness is represented by the color blue. Overexposure to blue can aggravate vata and kapha, as well as induce congestion.


This is the hue of Cosmic Consciousness, and it promotes enlightenment. It gives the body a sense of lightness and aids with perception opening. Purple helps to balance pitta and kapha, but it can also increase vata.


Silver like the Moon and Golden like the sun's hue, is such a warming hue that it is good for both vata and kapha. Colors that are good for different constitutions Certain colors are calming and balanced for each constitutional type, while others are unpleasant. Here's a rundown of healthy color combinations:

• Vata: Dark and cooling hues like blues, browns, and black should be avoided by Vata types. Very bright, brilliant colors, on the other hand, may be overstimulating to vata, which has a propensity to be hyperactive. Warm pastels, cheerful yellows, and green, together with some warming red and orange, are your best options.

• Pitta: Cool, gentle hues are great for your health and mental harmony. Blues and purples/violets, as well as silver (particularly silver jewelry) and bluegreens, are wonderful choices. Reds and oranges should be avoided if you have ame pitta dosha, while yellow and gold should be avoided. Black should be avoided at all costs.

• Kapha: Colors that are bright, energetic, and bold help to counter kapha's predisposition for lethargy and mental and bodily heaviness. The colors red, yellow, orange, and gold are all attractive. Even if you think you look nice in green, dark blue, or white, these colors aren't the healthiest for you. Silver, which is related with the moon, is cooling and calming, and it helps to balance pitta.

You may also want to read more about Ayurveda and Holistic Healing here.