Ayurvedic Home Remedy for Acne


Spots and pimples are frequently associated with pitta dosha and rakta (blood) issues in Ayurveda. Taming fiery pitta and clearing the blood of toxins are the keys to controlling these often-distressing illnesses.

  • Excess pitta can cause spots, discomfort, and redness when it circulates in the circulation and accumulates in the outer layer of the skin.
  • Acne patients are frequently prescribed oral and topical antibiotics, as well as steroid skin treatments, in conventional treatment.
  • Antibiotics can alter the delicate balance of your natural gut flora when used for lengthy periods of time, while steroids impair the skin's structure.

Ayurvedic therapies, which focus on decreasing pitta dosha and cleansing the blood, can be particularly successful for milder forms of acne and infrequent outbreaks.

  1. Cleanse Blood: Toxins must be removed from the bloodstream through proper digestion. Asparagus, cucumber, and leafy greens are all relaxing, pitta-reducing meals.
  2. Warm water flavored with a generous squeeze of lime juice, which is abundant in antioxidants, can also help clean the blood. Control your dairy consumption.
  3. Dairy can be consumed in moderation, but it should not be combined with foods that are incompatible.
  4. When eating dairy with fruit or fish, pitta is increased. Hard cheese is tamasic, which means it causes heaviness and sleepiness. This can lead to incorrect digestion, which can lead to further breakouts.
  5. Relax and unwind. Stress can also cause or aggravate spots and acne due to an overabundance of pitta dosha.

Paste for healing

This therapy will reduce inflammation and is prepared with soothing sandalwood, turmeric, and rosewater.

  1. Mix half a teaspoon of gram(chickpea) flour with half a teaspoon of sandalwood powder and a sprinkle of turmeric powder.
  2. Stir in a few drops of rosewater to make a smooth paste.
  3. Apply to the skin's afflicted regions and leave for 10 minutes.
  4. Rinse your skin gently and wipe dry with a clean cloth. Remove any residue with a cotton pad soaked in rosewater.