Healing with Clairvoyance


You're definitely in touch with your caring side if you've chosen to awaken and improve your psychic ability. Whether you're like the majority of psychics,

If you wish to help others with your talent, you can use clairvoyant healing, also known as psychic healing, or give them psychic readings.

People who choose to be psychics or who have a genetic predisposition to psychic abilities are instinctively caring and empathetic, so it's no surprise that many of them want to support others as healers. This may or may not be something you want to do, but in any case, this article will discuss the fundamentals of psychic healing so that you can start helping others.

When you use your psychic power to heal others, you're transmitting soothing energy to them and their body. You're essentially coordinating and harmonizing their body's forces, as well as eliminating blockages, in order to relieve physical aches and pains. It's an energy-work method in which you give unique healing energy to the individual who needs it. Clairvoyance comes into play when clairvoyant premonitions often assist psychics by sending them visions of the dilemma that will assist them in determining how to proceed with their recovery. Psychic healers may also deliver clairvoyant curing visions to their "patient" to manifest them as good, comfortable, and emotionally, physically, and spiritually well.

Meditation may be beneficial in the beginning stages of regeneration. You may also get a visit from another person's spirit guide, who will advise you about what the problem is and how to solve it. Focus on your subject, whether you had a clairvoyant forewarning or were instructed by them or their spirit guide what they need real healing for. It's ideal if the person you're healing is present in the room with you, particularly when you're just getting started.

Remove everything from your mind except what you're trying to heal. You are drawing the unhealthiness out of the person's body with each inhale and releasing it into the world to be turned into something good with each exhale. Use the Universal Energies as a source of strength to assist in the healing of this entity, as this can be a very energy draining operation if done alone. Visualize health-related videos. Consider them to be the picture of great fitness from head to toe. Begin with the head, visualizing them laughing and happy, breathing naturally and radiating a glow. Work your way down the body slowly, imagining each body part in full working order, even though it is still stable. Strong muscles, a steady heart, smooth skin, and solid legs that can take them as far as they need to go in life are all needed. Continue to visualize each portion before you reach the foot. Consider the troublesome place as a dark spot on their body. See it vanish and fade away with pure brightness, leaving a radiant white glow behind. Then, using energy and clairvoyance, give this vision of wellbeing to the person you're helping. They may not be able to see them consciously, but the attention and focus you bring towards their wellbeing would blend with their energy and mind, demonstrating to their subconscious what they are striving for. It can manifest and you have taken it out into the world as well.

Physical illnesses, it is said, can all be traced back to emotional chaos.

Of definition, if an outside influence is involved, this would not be the case. A broken leg, for example, is not caused by depression; it occurs as a result of the subject tripping or falling and the bone fracturing. 24-hour sickness after dining at a two-star restaurant is most likely not due to an internal struggle with depression over a job decision – it's most likely food poisoning, because nothing more serious is going on. However, when a person has symptoms such as headaches, joint weakness, muscle pain, abdominal complications, constant nausea, and so on, it's always worth looking into their mental state. Is there a lot of repressed emotion that has built up? Can you suffer from depression? Anxiety and worries? Is a person's stress caused by day-to-day challenges or major life choices and events? All of these things will manifest physically as chronic body aches and pains that refuse to go anywhere. A specific point of physical discomfort is usually representative of an energy blockage. So keep in mind that you're not only curing your body; you're still healing your mind. It's still worthwhile to think of one's emotional state.

There isn't a single person today who hasn't struggled and hasn't dealt with personal problems that have hampered their lives. Every single person has been through difficult times – some worse than others – but it doesn't negate the mental consequences they may have. When it comes to emotional recovery, bear in mind that someone has been through and is coping with different problems in their lives right now, so don't treat each healing session the same way you wouldn't treat a headache or a sore stomach. Inviting the person you're healing to peek into their mind is a good idea. What is or has been their recent emotional state? If they don't want to tell you, that's fine; just make them understand and be mindful of whatever pops up, and sense the energy associated with it. You will see a change in energy as a result of this. The role of the psychic healer is to treat physical illnesses that have an emotional or mental cause. Concentrate your clairvoyant picture updates about how the person is currently feeling. Did you have any feelings of grief or depression? Send them images of themselves smiling and surrounded by a bright light, maybe running across a field of yellow flowers. Did you detect any fear or concerns? Imagine them totally at ease, with their eyes closed, their faces and bodies peaceful, and their breathing steady. Maybe they're alone in a mountain cabin with a cup of tea, surrounded by nothing but beauty. What is the difference between tension and stress? Imagine them moving through their hectic daily life with ease, the chaos of their responsibilities not deterring them. They are light as air, laughing and joking and almost gliding or flying through their day. These clairvoyant photographs can assist their subconscious in releasing and releasing emotions that have been weighing them down, thus assisting with any physical symptoms they are feeling.

Once you've completed a healing session, inquire about how the person you were healing felt afterwards. Did they seem to be at ease? Did they experience a sense of calm? If you have any body sensations? Did they experience any emotions?

How about the state of your energy? Should they sound like they have more, less, or the same amount of energy? Obtain input from this individual and follow up a few days later to see if any changes have emerged or are still present. If you were treating a real physical ailment, ask how it looked right after the session, and then check in a few days later and see how the recovery helped, if there was any difference, and if it lasted. Remember that you may not have a big impact right away. And if anyone changes but it doesn't last, keep in mind that it can take several sessions – it rarely happens in one.

If you're psychically curing someone, keep in mind that it may take some sessions, particularly if it's a more serious issue. However, as a novice, it is safest to practice on smaller, less severe illnesses.

You should also keep in mind that in order for your energy to work, the person you're healing must want to be healed. They may also claim to want to be cured, but deep down they don't or are cynical. If this is the case, healing may be difficult, and the treatment will have little benefit at all. Just be sure you don't accuse the first "patients" of not having to be cured, as this may be attributable to your incompetent powers and beginner status, rather than their disbelief or involuntary unwillingness.

You will even cure anyone who isn't in the immediate vicinity using clairvoyance. They may, in truth, be very far away. Some people think of this as prayer. You're treating the individual as though they were in the room with you, giving them energies and clairvoyant images to help them recover. Once you've exercised and built up your strength healing someone in close proximity to you, try healing from a distance. You'll have to imagine them more clearly and intensely because they won't be physically there and you won't be able to sense their force. Imagine them in any detail, with a lot of depth, detail, and emphasis on the picture of them as good and whole. Since you don't have their resources to deal with, visualization is important for distance healing. You can also say out loud what you want for them. Your words' energies will be unleashed into the world and solidified, manifesting these positive health outcomes for your friend or the person you're trying to heal. Remember that when it comes to psychic healing, relying only on your own energy sources can easily deplete you. Tap into the vitality of the universe; it will be a huge help during your healing session.

Try your pet as a test subject if you want someone who won't expect results, whine, or be cynical. Maybe they don't require healing, but consider feeling their aura and focusing on your pet and especially their wellbeing through meditation to see if any clairvoyant signals appear. If not, it's always a good way to learn detecting someone else's energy and mental state, since animals have feelings too.

This article, hopefully, has awoken you and opened your eyes to the root of many people's physical problems. It makes no difference whether you wish to be a clairvoyant healer or not. And if they dabble in it, not all psychics choose this direction. And taking this course does not imply that you would lose the other aspects of your psychic abilities. It's just one of the skills a psychic should learn. If this is something that concerns you, practice, practice, practice – and don't hesitate to ask a friend, partner, or family member for permission to practice healing on them. It's always safer to practice on someone who is physically ill. Good luck with your recovery!

One last note for this article: it is important to understand that psychic healing is not a cure. Clairvoyant psychic therapy CANNOT be used to render diagnosis. Professionals should be the ones to diagnose patients.

It is highly unlikely that psychic healing can fully cure physical illnesses or serve as a replacement for drugs in the treatment of sickness and pain, or for medication and rehabilitation in the treatment of mental illness. It can help with symptoms, get to the source of complications, restore energy supply and equilibrium, and raise someone's energetic frequency, but it can not be used in excess of or as a substitute for medical medicine. Rather, it can be used in conjunction with it; they should complement each other.

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