Pranayama for Inspiring Breath I

Method: Stand up straight and without slouching.

Maintain a 10-12 inch distance between your knees.

Make sure your weight is evenly distributed on all of your feet.

Extend your chest, hold your neck straight, and draw your head back gently.

Maintain a side-to-side position with your hands at your hips, palms touching your thighs.

Bring a grin to your face by focusing your eyes at the tip of your nose. (While doing this Pranayama, you must keep a constant smile on your face.)

Take a deep breath in gently and gradually.

Raise your toes in the air while you take a deep breath in.

Fill the lungs with air until they are fully finished.

When you've finished inhaling, balance on your toes and raise your feet into the air.

Maintain this posture for 8-10 seconds while holding your breath.

After that, gently exhale and return to the original standing state.

This is the end of one Pranayama session.

Do ten to twelve repetitions.

Before doing something else, take a 2-minute break.

Uses: - This breathing exercise relieves tension, relaxes you, and gives you the energy to do something different.