Pranyama for a Fast Rejuvenating Breath

Method: Stand up straight and without slouching.

Maintain a shoulder-length distance between your knees.

Make sure your weight is evenly distributed on all of your feet.

Keep your spine straight with your chest up.

Put your fingers in the front and your thumb in the back of your respective armpits.

Then slip your hand down to the point where the ribcage meets the abdomen.

Take a deep breath in gently and gradually.

Fill the lungs with air until they are fully finished.

Now take a deep breath and hold it for as long as you can.

When you're about to exhale, press the sides of your ribcage together and gently exhale.

The exhaling motion can be performed in stages. Press and exhale – stop – press and exhale – stop – press and exhale – stop – press and exhale – stop – press and exhale – stop – press and exhale – stop – press and exhale –

This is the end of one Pranayama session.

Rep this exercise 5-7 times.

Before doing something else, take a 3-4 minute break.

Uses: - This breath is very useful in delivering rapid rejuvenation and alertness to the practitioner. - It keeps the chest and abdominal organs well-circulated.