Yoga And Yoga Asanas - Om Or Aum in World Scriptures

In the world's scriptures and spoken tongues, the sound and the word Om or Aum is Omnipresnt:

  • Hindus, Buddhists, and Jains utilize the sign AUM, whereas Sikhs and all varieties of Hinduism, including Brahmins, Vaishnavites, Shaivites, Tantrics, and Yogis, utilize the sound AUM. 
  • To ask Allah and to end their prayers, Moslems say the AUM as 0M-IM (Amin). AUM-EN (Amen) is used similarly by Christians. 
  • A sign from God is known as an OM-en (omen) in all faiths, while leaving God out of your life is known as OM-it (omission). 
  • He is OM-nipotent (omnipotent), Ovl-niscient (omniscient), all-light, dazzling, effulgent, allknowing, and OM-compitent as a supreme God (omcompitent). OMnific (oninific), all-creating; 0Mnifarious (omnifarious) in all things; OM-nigenous (omnigenous), all types and species; He is OMnipresent (omnipresent), far and near, ubiquitous, continuously encountered with: He is 0M-nivorous, meaning he eats everything, even himself; OM-phalic means he eats everything (4.,mphalos). 
  • He is the Yoni's Lingam, the Center, the Circle, the Hub of the Universes. 
  • As Hindus, we believe in "OM-theism," as described by the Oxford Dictionary. Westerners mistakenly believe that Hindus are polytheists (believe in many Gods) or Pantheists (believe in all Gods), but the Hindu believes that the All, Pan, must be 0M, hence OM-theism. 

As SANSKPIT OM cannot be glibly referred to as the "All," Hinduism is a living experience rather than a belief or religion, as is often assumed. 

  • The OM is mentioned in the early Vedas in terms of Cosmology, and in the Brahmanas, it is spoken in terms of mystical, even magical rituals. 
  • The OM is described in the Upanishads in terms of idealistic monism. 
  • The OM is associated with Bhakti, mystical love and devotion in Vaishnavism, and non-dualityAdvaita in Shaivism. 
  • The feminine creative power—Shakti, the Mother of the Universe—is described as OM in Hindu Tantra. 
  • Buddhists explain OM in terms of psychology or meditation experiences. 
  • OM is a symbol in Buddhist Tantra for the transformation of the Cyclo Cosmic Forces and Cyclo Phenomena produced in the mind into the Light of Transcendental Knowledge, Ptajna. 
  • The OM is explained by Jains in terms of biology and evolutionary biology. 
  • OM, according to the Yogi, is a state of experiencing Sahaja, which is a state beyond Asamaprainata, the Nirvikalpa Samadhi. 
  • The Sahaja Samadhi is an undifferentiated state of Cosmic Existence, a condition of Enstatic Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness.

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