Yoga Defined As Four-Fold Awareness.

Indian Rishis or sages teach that Oneness is already here, but that we are oblivious of it. As a result, we see duality, nay, multiplicity, everywhere around us. 

  • If there is awareness, it is of differences rather than similarities in the most basic sense. 
  • The goal of the YOGA LIFE is to bring us back to the Adwaitaik non-duality condition. 

Yoga provides a Four-fold Awareness so that the Yama and Niyama Kriya Yoga taught in earlier classes may be learnt deliberately. 

Yoga is a process of conscious growth. Outside of the world of consciousness, there is the general evolution of life, but that evolution is in Cosmic Hands. 

Your growth is entirely in your hands, and it must be done in a mindful, sensitive manner. This awareness may begin as a dim shadow, an unidentified feeling, but it may later shout from inside in a loud voice - especially if you don't listen. 

The first level of Four-fold Awareness is becoming aware of the body and how it functions—how to care for it, love it, and even adore it. 

We claim we desire excellent health, but only good health breeds good health, therefore we must be careful not to put our bodies in dangerous situations. 

This necessitates conscious knowledge. This conscious knowledge includes an understanding of proper food, habits, exercise, environment, rest, and relaxation. 

  • This involves being conscious of what the body is doing: 
  • When you take a breath in, be aware that you are doing so. 
  • When you exhale, be aware that you are exhaling. 
  • When you move, be aware that you are moving. 
  • 'Know that you're walking when you're walking.' 
  • When you speak, be aware that you are speaking. 
  • Know exactly what you're doing at all times when you sit, stand, or sleep, cat. 

The second step is being aware of how emotions affect the body. Be aware that good, useful emotions have a powerful positive influence on the body, while negative, destructive emotions have a significant negative effect on the body

  • The most destructive emotions include jealousy, hate, greed, envy, malice, and possessiveness, whereas aversion, shame, dread, and different forms of escapism fall into the secondary group of psychosomatic-producing emotions. 
  • Serenity, joy, compassion, understanding, the desire to serve, and other unifying emotions have a strong impact on the body. 
  • Learn to recognize your emotions as soon as they appear. 
  • Be mindful of your surroundings before you lose control. 
  • Only allow powerful good emotions to take hold, while opposing and managing negative emotions. It's advisable to "take a deep breath and count to 10." suggestions 
  • Many of the relaxation and self-awareness Kriyas, as well as Pratyahara or sensory control, that I will teach you in this course will be quite beneficial in obtaining this level of consciousness. 

The third level involves becoming aware of one's thoughts and learning how to manage one's emotions and body. 

  • Actually, the mind is "a part of the mind"... a conscious portion of the mind, as opposed to the sub-conscious or the mind that lacks consciousness, as we typically refer to it. 
  • The Sanskrit phrase ADHI-VYADHI refers to the higher mind, or aware mind. Our word for psycho-somatics is ADHI-VYADHI. 
  • When this phase is complete, a new consciousness can be sought in which the conscious mind is surpassed by the Buddhi, a higher component of the mind. 
  • Subconsciousness is referred to as Chitta. 
  • Consciousness is manas. 
  • The Buddhi, also known as the intellect, is the superior capacity of consciousness. 
  • This awareness is achieved via the practices of marana (concentration) and dhyana (meditation). 

One of the numerous Indian paradoxes is the fourth level of the Four-fold Awareness. 

  • This last level, known as Samadhi or Cosmic Consciousness, and is defined as "knowledge of consciousness." 

It's something I really want for you. Even though we nay never meet, may our soul friendship be fruitful for both of us. May our partnership be productive in endless time.

You may also want to read more about Yoga here.

You may also want to read more about Yoga Asanas and Exercises here.