Hinduism - What Does Bholanath Mean?

Bholanath means "simple lord." Shiva's most common epithet. 

The term bhola has a negative meaning in everyday usage: "simple," "guileless," and even "foolish."


Shiva's followers (bhakta) are not disparaging him by using this term to describe him; rather, they are praising his limitless generosity to those with whom he is delighted. 

  • Shiva's followers may make the most basic gifts (leaves, fruit, and water) and beg for riches, success, and power in exchange. 
  • Shiva's character is described as "simple" since he happily engages in such unequal transactions, which contrasts sharply with the global economy, which requires equal value.

You may also want to read more about Hinduism here.

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