Hinduism - Who Was Chandramati?

The long-suffering wife of King Harishchandra in Hindu legend. 

Harishchandra is known for his honesty and integrity, and he is also the model for someone who patiently suffers unjust pain in contemporary Hindu society. 

Harishchandra's misery stems from a rivalry between the sages Vasishtha and Vishvamitra. 

Vasishtha, as his family priest, extols Harishchandra's goodness. 

Vishvamitra is adamant about proving Vasishtha incorrect, so he puts Harishchandra through a series of tests, during which he loses his kingdom, his riches, and is forced to sell himself and his family into slaves. 

Harishchandra maintains his integrity despite the hardships he and Chandramati face. 

They are ultimately returned to their former happy condition, including the resuscitation of their son, after suffering many difficulties, including the loss of their only son. 

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