Hinduism - What Is The Kadambari?


Kadambari is a Sanskrit romantic book written by Bana (7th century), who was a contemporary of northern Indian monarch Harsha.

The book's complicated narrative includes a love tale between the main protagonists, a princess called Kadambari and a prince named Chandripida.

Bana's death left the Kadambari incomplete.

It depicts Indian life at Bana's time in great detail.

In Hindu mythology, Kadru is the sister of Vinata and the daughter of the celestial sage Daksha.

Kadru's offspring are serpents, but her sister's children are eagles, the most renowned of which is Garuda.

The well-known animosity between these species may be traced back to a disagreement between Vinata and Kadru about the color of a heavenly horse's tail, with Vinata claiming that it is white and Kadru claiming that it is black.

The argument intensifies until they come to an understanding that whomever is incorrect will become a slave to the other.

Kadru persuades a few of her snake offspring to hang from the rear of the horse in order to assure her victory.

The tail seems black from a distance.

(Some of her children are against such deception and refuse to participate.) In retaliation, Kadru curses them to die in King Janamjeya's snake-killing ritual.) Vinata feels she has been beaten when she sees the black snakes, and she serves Kadru for many years under exceedingly difficult circumstances.

Vinata is ultimately rescued by her son Garuda, who realizes the ruse behind Vinata's loss and begins a never-ending snake-killing campaign.


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