Hinduism - Where Is The Ganga Sagar?


Sacred location (tirtha) on Sagar Island, in the Bay of Bengal, on the outskirts of the Hugli River delta.

Where the Ganges River meets the sea is known as Ganga Sagar (sagar).

This site, like all the spots where the Ganges makes a natural changeover, is considered very sacred.

On Makara Sankranti, the day in January when the sun starts its northward path, Ganga Sagar has its largest celebration.

Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims flock to bathe on this day (snana).

The location is also known for a temple dedicated to the irascible sage Kapila, whose flaming strength incinerates King Sagar's 60,000 sons and puts in motion a chain of events culminating in King Bhagirath bringing the Ganges to earth. 

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