Hinduism - When Is Janaki Navami In The Hindu Calendar?

The ninth day (navami) of the dark (waning) half of the lunar month of Phalgun (February–March) is the festival.

This event commemorates the birth of Sita, the goddess Rama's bride and the protagonist of the epic Ramayana.

Sita is not born in the traditional way, but rather in a furrow when King Janaka ploughs a field (hence the name Janaki, a female form of Janaka).

Sita is said to be a form of Lakshmi, Vishnu's wife, since she is the wife of Rama, who is an avatar or incarnation of the deity Vishnu.

Sita is regarded as a role model for Indian women because of her complete devotion to her husband; women who execute the appropriate religious procedures for this day are guaranteed children and wealth.


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