Hinduism - What Is Pratyaksha Or Perception In Hindu Philosophy?


Perception (pratyaksha) was acknowledged as a pramana by all philosophical systems, and most also accepted inference (anu mana) and authoritative testimony (shabda).

"Presumption" (arthapatti) and "knowledge from absence" were the two new modes developed by the Mimamsas (abhava).

These additions were justified by the Mimamsas, who claimed that they accounted for knowledge that could not be assimilated under the existing pramanas.

Arthapatti is a kind of inference from circumstance in which a decision is formed regarding one instance only on the basis of comparable situations.

Consider the assumption that a passenger arrived at his or her destination after the train's scheduled arrival time had passed.

This is not a genuine inference, according to Indian philosophy, since the latter must always be verified by direct perception.

Similarly, abhava, or the experience of any absence (for example, the absence of any thing before one), could not be explained by any of the existing pramanas, necessitating the creation of this new one.

Aside from Jaimini, the Mimamsas' most notable individuals are Kumarila and Prabhakara, both of whom lived in the seventh century.

Karl H. Potter's Presuppositions of India's Philosophies was published in 1972, and Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and Charles A. Moore (eds.) published A Sourcebook in Indian Philosophy in 1957.

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