Hinduism - What Is Rajas Among The Gunas In The Samkhya Hindu Philosophy?


"Rajas" means "passion" in Sanskrit.

The other two gunas are sattva ("goodness") and tamas ("darkness"), which are said to be inherent in all things.

Different proportions of these characteristics, according to this paradigm, account for variances in the features of tangible objects as well as the spectrum of individual human capabilities and tendencies.

Unlike sattva and tamas, which have only positive and negative connotations, rajas and its consequences may be favorable or negative depending on the circumstances.

Rajas is unfavorable when it leads to slavery to the emotions, which may cause one to lose sight of deliberate and aware thinking.

Alternatively, the energy gained from passion might be channeled into productive activities.

Although much of the Samkhya metaphysics associated with the gunas has been disproved, the concept of the gunas and their attributes has remained a ubiquitous assumption in Indian society.

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