Hinduism - What Is The Hindu Symbolism Associated With Rats?


Rat  is a religious animal that appears in at least two religious settings.

On the one hand, the rat is known as the elephant-headed deity Ganesh's animal conveyance, reinforcing Ganesh's identity as the Lord of Obstacles.

If Ganesh's elephant head reflects his ability to easily push barriers away, his rat chariot demonstrates a stealthier approach.

Rats are known for their ability to maneuver around barriers, sliding through even the tiniest openings in granaries to reach the grain inside.

They are a good complement to Ganesh's might because of their ability to sneak around and between obstructive things.

Rats are also significant to the goddess Karni Mata's shrine in the hamlet of Deshnok in Rajasthan's state.

Thousands of rats live in the Karni Mata shrine, believing themselves to be Karni Mata's offspring and hence holy animals.

According to legend, when the rats die, they are resurrected as members of the temple's hereditary servants' families, making the rats and temple priests members of the same extended family.

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