Loss and its Consequences - Living with the Pain

Liz, a spiritual mentor and residential care manager, believes that everyone is a wounded soul who bears the scars of existence for the rest of their lives: 

‘We can be hurt in numerous ways, sometimes by our own ignorance, negligence, or spiritual high jinx (come on, admit it, we've all done it).' 

All too frequently, the wounded is caused by another, sometimes unintentionally, sometimes via exploitation or manipulation, and is linked to the loss of something significant. 

‘What concerns me the most is if the person who caused the wound is in a position of holy trust — parents, teachers, or priests,' Liz explains. 

‘What is most concerning is whether that individual is a member of any priesthood: priesthood is priesthood, whether Christian, Jew, Hindu, Moslem, or Pagan. I can only speak from personal experience with two of them, but it appears that anyone may enter the lay ministry these days. Unqualified people build up churches, temples, and organizations all the time with no way of registering or controlling them, but they entice the naïve with promises of rapid enlightenment. When will people realize that there is no quick fix, that everything takes time, and that rushing it will allow you to start counting those injured souls?'

You may also want to read more about Spirituality and Healing here.

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