Pranayama for a Heart-Strengthening Breath

Method: Stand up straight and without slouching.

Maintain a 10-12 inch distance between your knees.

Make sure your weight is evenly distributed on all of your feet.

Extend the chest, maintain a straight nose, and maintain a straight forward gaze.

Lift your hands to shoulder height in front of you, palms facing each other.

Take a deep breath in gently and gradually.

Shift your hands on your sides and then back as soon as you can when breathing in. (keeping them parallel to the ground at all times)

If you've completed your inhalation, stay in this place for 12-15 seconds, holding your breath.

After that, gently exhale and return your hands to their original standing location.

This is the end of one Pranayama session.

Rep this exercise 8-10 times.

Before doing something else, take a 1-2 minute break.

Uses: -This Pranayama is very helpful in relaxing our heart muscles and lungs. -It also helps to purify our blood while maintaining good blood supply.