Shamanism Complements Science


A New Partnership

When precise conditions for measurement, such as the energy body and its processes, are given, shamanism emerges.

These objects are on the cusp of science, since they can be researched with the same meticulousness that has gone into other fields of research. Chemistry, for example, is a fundamental component of science, while intent—focused energy— is a foundational component in shamanism.

Scientists are starting to look at intent in ways like remote healing and how an experimenter may affect an experiment, and shamans can come to see chemical behavior and reactions as refined embodiments of intent. In contrast, shamans' observations of the authoritative energetic systems in human anatomy and cosmology provide scientists with an ability to explore previously unexplored scientific territory.

Things seem to be moving in this direction. We are at a stage in our history where the realms of science and ancient ways of consciousness study are mixing, as His Holiness the Dalai Lama's book The Universe in a Single Atom demonstrates. In this regard, there is a clear compatibility between science and shamanism, as both are tools for understanding more about how we work and the environment we live in.

Shamanism complements science by offering a contemporary, cross-cultural background, and science augments shamanism by unveiling new paths of exploration.

Whether or not this partnership takes place would have no bearing on either party's success. If it does not, it would be a waste of time and neither party learned from the other. Science also has an endless number of possibilities to discover, and shamanism will continue to exist whether or not it is approved by scientific authority. In this vein, I combine shamanism and science because I've discovered that the two together offer a solid stepping-stone to enhanced knowledge of human nature and abilities.

You may also want to read more about Shamanism here.

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