Spirituality To Avoid Spiritual Illness

Knowledge of the approach for spiritualizing the body through the elimination of mortality and shift consciousness. 

The body is a manifestation of vibration, and it is important to recognize this. 

The belief that decay, sickness, or death may harm the body must be dispelled via scientific comprehension of the fundamental unifying rules of matter and spirit, as well as the illusive manifestation of Spirit as matter, as described above. 

Believe that you were made in the image of the Father, and that you, too, are immortal and flawless. 

If a piece of matter can't be destroyed, as science has proven, then the soul can't be destroyed either. 

The soul passes through altering experiences, just as matter does. 

Although all changes are referred to as death, the death or change of a thing's form does not affect or destroy its essence. 

Incorporate the feelings of calm and composure you experienced during concentration and meditation into your regular life. 

Maintain your balance in the face of adversity, unaffected by powerful emotions or negative occurrences. 

There are a variety of concentration and meditation techniques, but Yoga, which is founded on Vito-Psycho-Physical principles, is the most effective.