It comes as far as the center of the brows and obliquely up to the opening of the ears, O Sage, by everyday drawing it up for six months. It gradually moves up to the root of the chin with practice.

Then, in three years, it grows up to the end of the hair (on the head). It ascends obliquely to Sakha (a region below the skull) and descends to the throat well.

In three years, it will occupy Brahmarandhra. Without a doubt, it comes to an end there.

It runs up to the top of the head and down to the well of the throat in a crosswise direction. The great adamantine door in the head gradually opens.

The six Angas, or sections, of the Khechari Bija Mantra should be performed in six separate intonations. This should be done in order to get all of the Siddhis.

Karanyasa, or the finger and hand movements used in Mantra pronunciation, should be performed progressively. Karanyasa can never be performed all at once and a person's body would quickly deteriorate if they do it all at once. It should be practiced gradually, O best of the Sages.

When going to the Brahmarandhra via the outer path, one should position the tongue after moving the Brahma bolt. The Devas are incapable of mastering Brahma's bolt.

The Yogi can make the tongue join inside after three years of doing this with the point of the finger. It makes its way through the Brahmadvara, or pit. Mathana, or churning, should be well practiced before joining Brahmadvara.

Some smart Yogis achieve Siddhi even without Mathana. He also does it without the aid of Mathana, who knows the Khechari Mantra. By practicing Japa and Mathana, one can reap the benefits quickly.

The Yogi could hold his breath in his heart by threading a gold, silver, or iron wire through his nostrils with a milk-soaked thread. He can conduct Mathana slowly while sitting in a comfortable position with his eyes concentrated between his brows.

Within six months, the state of Mathana becomes as normal as sleep in infants. It is not advisable to do Mathana on a regular basis. It can only be completed once a month.