What are an Empath's 4 Defining Behavioral Components?

1. Absorbing Others

Pay attention to positive signs. Listen carefully and pay attention to nonverbal cues, correspondence, subliminally capturing inconspicuous signals Demonstrate affectability and an understanding of others' perspectives. When you understand the desires and feelings of others, you will assist them.

2. Celebrating Others' Creations

Creating others entails keeping up on their wishes and concerns and assisting them in reaching their full creative potential. Individuals with abilities in this area typically reward and commend others for their qualities and accomplishments, and provide constructive feedback aimed at focusing on the most effective way to develop.

3. Taking Advantage of Diversity

Having the ability to render and build opportunities through diverse styles of people, perceiving and applauding that we all bring something different to the table, is what good diversity entails. Using enough diversity does not mean that you approach everyone the same way, but rather that you adapt the way you collaborate with others to suit their needs and emotions.

Individuals with this skill treat others with reverence and relate well to them, regardless of their level of experience. When in question, they take a gamble on good diversity, knowing that diverse groups do much better than increasingly homogeneous groups. When they see narrow mindedness, inclination, or stereotyping, people who are good at using a range of tools challenge it.

4. Political Intelligence

Many people consider 'political' abilities to be deceptive, however in its most basic context, 'political' means sensing and responding to a group's enthusiastic proclivities and power relations. Political mindfulness may help people navigate authoritarian relationships effectively, allowing them to succeed when others would have struggled previously.

You may also want to read more about Empaths, Psychic Empaths, Intuitive Empaths, and Healing here.