Yoga for Migraine and Headache


Tension and fatigue are common causes of headaches. We relax and breathe deeply in yoga. Yoga stretches the upper body's tense muscles, stimulates endorphins (a "feel good" hormone), and relaxes the mind.

It relieves anxiety by increasing blood flow to the muscles, which calms the nervous system and lowers the risk of a headache or migraine.

Avoid any poses that place weight or pressure on the head or body.

Stop poses that significantly increase blood supply to the brain if you suffer from migraines. If you have serious migraines, skip yoga poses and lay down in a quiet room.

Beneficial Yoga Asanas

  1. Both Hands to Ankle Head to Knee Pose (Dwi Hasta Kulpa Janu Shirshasana) is an example of seated forward bends. Seated forward bends can reduce headaches caused by strain in the legs and lower back by releasing tension in the hamstrings and lower back.
  2. Half Root Lord of the Fishes Pose (Ardha Mula Matsyendrasana) is an example of seated twists. Headaches exacerbated by discomfort in the upper and lower back may be prevented by seated twisting positions.
  3. Hand Position of the Pose Dedicated to Garuda in Child's Pose (Hasta Garudasana in Balasana)–Example: Hand Position of the Pose Dedicated to Garuda in Child's Pose (Hasta Garudasana in Balasana). Any posture involving this hand position tends to stretch the upper back and back shoulder backs, as well as avoid headaches caused by upper back muscle strain.
  4. Hand Position of Cow Face Pose in Bound Angle Pose (Hasta Garudasana in Baddha Konasana)–Example: Hand Position of Cow Face Pose in Bound Angle Pose (Hasta Garudasana in Baddha Konasana). Any posture involving this hand position stretches the triceps, front shoulder heads, and rotator cuffs, as well as preventing headaches caused by strain in the arms and shoulder muscles.